How to Finish a Colon Cleanse

How to Finish a Colon Cleanse

Over the course of time, build-up can occur in your colon. Since the American diet is full of impurities and processed foods, getting a colon cleanse has grown in popularity. While it can be uncomfortable the first time you experience it, the health benefits can be significant. Here are some tips on how to finish a colon cleanse so you can get back to your daily life.

Things You'll Need:

Probiotics (found at health food stores)


Wait for the trained professional performing the colonic to remove any water, shut off the valve and gently remove it from your rectum.


Swing your legs off the table quickly until you are standing up. Because you are somewhat exposed and your sphincter has been opened for sometime you want to get up off the table quickly so that you can make your way to the bathroom. Do not worry about having an accident. Unless you have a problem already, your sphincter and rectum will adjust quickly after the colon cleanse. You just may feel as if you are about to have an accident.


Go to the bathroom in the seated position. Utilize a little footstool and place both feet on it. This will provide a more natural position for the waste to leave your body. Take your time. It is not a race to finish. Once you think you are done, stand up and move around the bathroom. Even jump up and down once or twice (pure physics here). Then sit back on the toilet and go to the bathroom again. After this second process, you should have finished removing waste.


Stay away from gassy foods for the rest of the day. These include beans and high fiber foods. Also, eat as healthy as possible. You just removed the impurities, the last thing you want to do is eat a Big Mac.


Take probiotics to help finish your colon cleanse. Probiotics will help replace some of the bacteria that has been flushed away by the colon cleanse. If you are not sure what to take, (some professionals provide a regimen upon completion for a few extra bucks) simply go to a health food store. There are several ready-made products on the shelves that are made so you can finish your colon cleanse.

Tips & Warnings

Schedule a colon cleanse once a year. In the same way you visit the dentist for regular cleanings, your colon should have the same courtesy. After all, it's going to be with you all your life. Treat it well, and it will be good to you.