How to Find Your Allies and Dump Your Downers When You are Ill

How to Find Your Allies and Dump Your Downers When You are Ill

Have you entered a room and found a dull energy or thud around you? Did you talk with a "downer" who made you feel uncomfortable?
You can change your luck by protecting yourself energetically. Here's how.


We're powered electro-magnetically. Dense energy (anger, jealousy, depression) feels like a thud; positive energy is light and freeing. Coping with negative people is hard enough when you are well! When you enter a room of strangers, wait a moment until you sense lightness and happiness. You will be drawn to someone positive. That is what we need!


Protect yourself when you are in a group. Eastern (Oriental) energy workers put a virtual armour around themselves. Lock up your energy centers (chakras) by "zipping up." With 2 index fingers, tap your collar bones (left and right), then with your right hand, close yourself up from your pubic bone to your throat.


When you are ill, folks may cut you slack and let you operate differently from your normal self. Use this to escape the "downer." Say what you mean and mean what you say. If you can't take advice or hear stories from the "downer," beg off by saying, "It's my goal to stay positive here. Let's drop the subject."

Tips & Warnings

Zip yourself up before driving.

Zip yourself up when you know someone whom you don't like will be there.

Zip yourself up when you will face an unpleasant situation.