How to Finish a Colon Cleanse

How to Finish a Colon Cleanse

Over the course of time, build-up can occur in your colon. Since the American diet is full of impurities and processed foods, getting a colon cleanse has grown in popularity. While it can be uncomfortable the first time you experience it, the health benefits can be significant. Here are some tips on how to finish a colon cleanse so you can get back to your daily life.

Things You'll Need:

Probiotics (found at health food stores)


Wait for the trained professional performing the colonic to remove any water, shut off the valve and gently remove it from your rectum.


Swing your legs off the table quickly until you are standing up. Because you are somewhat exposed and your sphincter has been opened for sometime you want to get up off the table quickly so that you can make your way to the bathroom. Do not worry about having an accident. Unless you have a problem already, your sphincter and rectum will adjust quickly after the colon cleanse. You just may feel as if you are about to have an accident.


Go to the bathroom in the seated position. Utilize a little footstool and place both feet on it. This will provide a more natural position for the waste to leave your body. Take your time. It is not a race to finish. Once you think you are done, stand up and move around the bathroom. Even jump up and down once or twice (pure physics here). Then sit back on the toilet and go to the bathroom again. After this second process, you should have finished removing waste.


Stay away from gassy foods for the rest of the day. These include beans and high fiber foods. Also, eat as healthy as possible. You just removed the impurities, the last thing you want to do is eat a Big Mac.


Take probiotics to help finish your colon cleanse. Probiotics will help replace some of the bacteria that has been flushed away by the colon cleanse. If you are not sure what to take, (some professionals provide a regimen upon completion for a few extra bucks) simply go to a health food store. There are several ready-made products on the shelves that are made so you can finish your colon cleanse.

Tips & Warnings

Schedule a colon cleanse once a year. In the same way you visit the dentist for regular cleanings, your colon should have the same courtesy. After all, it's going to be with you all your life. Treat it well, and it will be good to you.

How to Find Your Spiritual Animal

How to Find Your Spiritual Animal

Complete identification with a particular animal governed the Native American's whole being. A 21st century industrialized Westerner can also gain wisdom and counsel from his spiritual animal. Modeling yourself after the attributes of an animal you admire can transform you.


Discover your personal animal guide by thinking about animals in common parlance--brave as a lion, industrious as a beaver, gentle as a deer. Think of an animal whose attributes you want to emulate. Then study his ways, his life, his behavior.


Read about the special qualities of totem animals in the Native American tradition. Determine which ones you are attracted to. (See Resources)


Explore other traditions such as Chinese or Celtic. Pick your animal from these paths. (See Resources)


Try a New Age approach to meeting your animal guide. Close your eyes, sit quietly and wait for your animal guide to visit you. (See Resources)


Record your dreams. Take note when animals appear for they may be your spiritual animals.


Let your spiritual animal be your guide. Gain strength and wisdom from him throughout your life.

Tips & Warnings

You may have more than one spiritual animal as you go through life. One usually dominates though.

How to Find Your Power Animal

How to Find Your Power Animal

In Shamanic doctrine, everyone possesses a power animal whose spirit lives in us boosting our strength and guarding us from illness. Diverse cultures the world over believe in the notion of a power animal. Tribal cultures have traditionally recognized a Totem for the tribe: an animalistic being who represents or is emblematic of the tribe, family, clan or group. You don't necessarily need a Shaman to recognize your personal power animal. Open your heart and your mind to find your power animal. Read on to learn more.


Find your power animal pro-actively by asking the animal spirits for a dream. Then rest and let the power animal find you. Don't dismiss smaller animals such as mice or even insects. Animals have their own unique strengths. You may want to keep a journal beside your bed and make note of recurring dreams in which an animal or some form of an animal appears again.


Notice the things in nature that you are continually drawn to. Power animals may guide your senses and attention to certain elements, natural sites or geographical phenomena that are reminiscent of or peculiar to a certain animal. If you are repeatedly captivated by nests, burrows or snow, for example, let the animal world communicate itself to you.


Take time during the day to relax, close your eyes and breathe. Power animals frequently make themselves known to us when we are conscious as well as when we are asleep. Be receptive to visions through meditation. In your calm state, imagine a situation where you move out of your personal space such as your home and enter into an unknown but unthreatening and quiet natural space such as a field or a cave.

Tips & Warnings

Let your power animal come to you. Don't force it; you may need to give meditation several tries and imagine various scenarios of entering into an unfamiliar sphere of the animal world.

Allow your power animal to change naturally over time. That is, don't try to force or fool yourself into holding on to a power animal that you no longer need to protect you. As both your physiological and emotional weaknesses and demands change, so, too, will your power animal, if you let it.

Don't dismiss a second or even a third power animal that comes to you through dreams, visions or meditation. People can draw strength from more than one power animal depending on a certain time in their lives.

How to Find Your Allies and Dump Your Downers When You are Ill

How to Find Your Allies and Dump Your Downers When You are Ill

Have you entered a room and found a dull energy or thud around you? Did you talk with a "downer" who made you feel uncomfortable?
You can change your luck by protecting yourself energetically. Here's how.


We're powered electro-magnetically. Dense energy (anger, jealousy, depression) feels like a thud; positive energy is light and freeing. Coping with negative people is hard enough when you are well! When you enter a room of strangers, wait a moment until you sense lightness and happiness. You will be drawn to someone positive. That is what we need!


Protect yourself when you are in a group. Eastern (Oriental) energy workers put a virtual armour around themselves. Lock up your energy centers (chakras) by "zipping up." With 2 index fingers, tap your collar bones (left and right), then with your right hand, close yourself up from your pubic bone to your throat.


When you are ill, folks may cut you slack and let you operate differently from your normal self. Use this to escape the "downer." Say what you mean and mean what you say. If you can't take advice or hear stories from the "downer," beg off by saying, "It's my goal to stay positive here. Let's drop the subject."

Tips & Warnings

Zip yourself up before driving.

Zip yourself up when you know someone whom you don't like will be there.

Zip yourself up when you will face an unpleasant situation.

How to Find the Inner Girl

How to Find the Inner Girl

Not every woman is born with the girly girl attitude. Women really can do whatever they want to, and this includes casting off the need to primp and be ultra feminine. You can rise above this gene issue, and find your inner girl with a few tricks.


Try pink on for size. It doesn't have to be a full pink dress with bows on it, but a few small pink accessories can help you find your inner girl and feel more feminine.


Discover your passion. When you are doing what you love, even if it is changing the oil in your car, it will help you be true to yourself. Being you is an important step to finding your inner girl power.


Try wearing more feminine clothing. When you are competing with men at work and trying to climb the corporate ladder, it is easy to fall into a routine of dressing in mannish business suits. Find your inner girl with flowy skirts and feminine jewellery.


Find your inner girl with fun activities with your
. Life gets busy, and it is easy to forget about pampering yourself. Make a standing
with your girlfriends to go out and get manicures once a month, or make lunch
on a regular basis to gossip.


Sparkle on the outside, and your inner girl will find joy in life. Always remember to take care of yourself, and take pride in how you look. Being comfortable is key, but when you feel sexy and alluring, you'll sparkle every day.


Be tough and fight for the things you want, but always allow yourself to show emotion. Life can get the best of you, and your inner girl needs to get out and run free sometimes. Let her show her feelings and you can find peace.

How to Find Sleep Inducing Pressure Points

How to Find Sleep Inducing Pressure Points

Several acupressurepoints have been associated with encouraging sleep and relieving insomnia. Different acupressure points will be more effective for different sleep troubles. Here's how to find the basic sleep-inducing pressure points.


Place your thumb in the middle of the inner part of the opposite arm, about two or three finger widths below the wrist crease. This is called the "Inner Gate," or pericardium six. This point helps induce sleep, and is also very useful for relieving dizziness, nausea and difficulty breathing. Press the point with your thumb with gradually increasing pressure. Move your thumb if necessary, until you feel a spot of tension within your arm.


Place your finger or thumb in the wrist crease on the outside of the inner part of the hand, in line with the little finger. This point is the "Spirit Gate." Apply gentle pressure. This pressure point helps to relieve insomnia, fear, anxiety and a racing mind.


Place your finger about one finger's width below the bone of the inner ankle. This is point six on the kidney meridian. Placing gentle pressure on this point helps to promote deep RAM sleep. This point also helps to regulate the kidneys and to regulate the menses in women.


Move your finger to the point just below the outer anklebone. This is point number 62 on the bladder meridian, which is effective in relieving insomnia and minor mental distress. Use this point if you are lying awake due to headaches, leg aches or lower back pain.


Reach behind your head and place both thumbs at the point at the base of your skull. This point is number 20 on the gall bladder meridian, and is one of the most important points in acupressure, especially for those who carry a great deal of tension. Applying gentle pressure to this point can help to relieve insomnia, tension headaches, dizziness and nervous disorders. It is also extremely important for relief of problems that affect the neck, shoulders and upper back.


Stimulate the primary yin points, which occur on the meridians at the front of the body and along the insides of the arms and legs. Stimulating yin energy within the body can help to relieve disorders in which yang is excessive, such as nervousness and anxiety. Important yin points occur one finger width above the eyebrow in line with the eye, in the point where the rib cage meets the collar bone, on the inside of the rib cage by the diaphragm, on the inside crease of the elbow. For more yin pressure points, consult a good reference on acupressure.

Tips & Warnings

Acupressure points correspond perfectly to the points used in acupuncture.

Never apply excessive pressure to any acupressure point.

How to Find Safe Caffeine Pills

How to Find Safe Caffeine Pills

In the midst of the hustle and bustle we all face daily with our busy schedules, some people turn to caffeine pills to help keep them going. The use of caffeine pills has long been controversial. There are thousands of brands of caffeine pills on the market today, making the decision to use them even more difficult. But caffeine pills can have many benefits. They have been documented to help increase energy, improve mood, help the memory and even stimulate weight loss. With a little research, it doesn't have to be hard to choose caffeine pills safely.

Things You'll Need:

Caffeine pills

Lots of water


The most important thing you can do when you want to start taking caffeine pills is consult your doctor. There are many brands out there, some of which have adverse effects on people with certain medical conditions. Always get a consultation with your physician before you begin taking any kind of over-the-counter supplement.


Check out the labels of the caffeine bottles in your grocery store's vitamin section. The best pills to begin taking, and certainly the safest, have 200mg or less of Guarana Seed Extract. Guarana is a natural source of caffeine, often used in caffeine pills and certain weight loss supplements.


Start taking half the recommended dosage on the bottle of caffeine pills. You'll want to gauge your body's reaction to the pills before taking the full amount recommended.


If you feel nervous or jittery at all, stop taking the pills. If you feel comfortable with your results, begin taking the dosage recommended. The full dosage may seem fine, but if that makes you feel a bit jittery, go back to taking only half the dosage.


Drink at least 8 glasses of water daily. Caffeine is a natural diuretic which can dehydrate your system. It is very important to consume the proper amount of water daily.


Do not take caffeine pills in the evening. Although many people live hectic lives, even away from work, the effects of the pills take several hours to wear off. Taking caffeine pills, even in the late afternoon, can inhibit your ability to go to sleep.


Remember that caffeine pills can be very powerful. The added boost of energy they provide can be addictive. Try to use them sparingly. Also remember that the amount of caffeine these pills provide is almost three times more than you would consume through things such as coffee, tea or soda. When you don't take a pill, you may experience headaches or lethargic feelings. Make sure you use caffeine pills in moderation to help stave off such effects.

Tips & Warnings

Make sure your caffeine pills have mostly natural ingredients such as Guarana Seed Extract.

If you are looking for caffeine pills that will also help promote weight loss, choose one that has Green Tea Leaf Extract.

Always make sure your caffeine pills are ephedra free.

Some brands of caffeine pills also include St. John's Wart Extract which can help boost your mood naturally.

Do not take caffeine pills if you are pregnant, nursing or have high blood pressure.

Do not take caffeine pills if you are under 18.

People with heart problems, a history of seizures, or those currently taking prescribed medications need to consult a physician before taking any kind of caffeine pills.

How to Find Pressure Points to Cure Headaches

How to Find Pressure Points to Cure Headaches

Got a headache? Before you reach for some aspirin, try working with pressure points.
Pressure points are bunches of nerves located on certain points of the body, such as the temples. Pressure points help regulate blood circulation throughout the body.
When stimulated, these areas will help relax tight, stressed muscles and increase circulation. Since most common headaches are caused by tension--tight muscles in the face and neck area--working with pressure points will help ease or totally cure headaches.


Find and massage your temples. Your temples are located on the sides of your head, at eyebrow level. To find them, touch the end of each of your eyebrows with your thumbs, and then move your thumbs about 1/2 inch toward the back of your head. Stop there and press gently. Using your thumbs, massage both temples simultaneously, using small, counter-clockwise motions. The movements should be light. Massage temples for one minute while taking deep breaths.


Two pressure points are located at the inside ends of the eyebrows, right above the bridge of the nose.
Do not just press into these areas, this might cause an overwhelming feeling. Using your index fingers gently massage these areas for 30 seconds.


Place your thumbs on the back of your neck, at the base of the skull, on the sides of your spinal column. Tilt your head back gently, and press upward into your neck for two minutes. Take deep breaths. If this is uncomfortable, sit in a chair and bend over, propping your elbows on a table or desk. Press your thumbs into the base of your skull, on the sides of your spinal column and tilt your head back.
Your neck area is filled with bunches of nerves and muscles. It's where your body meets your brain. Major electrical impulses travel through the spinal column, making it a information highway. Keeping your neck muscles relaxed will benefit you greatly, whether you experience headaches or not.


In the webbing between the thumb and your index finger is a pressure point, well known to cure headaches. The point is located close the bone in that area, not in the center of the webbing. Use your thumb and index finger to squeeze the point on your opposite hand. If you are doing it properly, you will feel the nerve beneath the skin, and some pressure as you squeeze. Squeeze the point for a minute on each hand. Be sure to take deep breaths while treating yourself.


Use your feet. According to the art of reflexology, points on the feet are connected to the bodies organs. By stimulating certain points on the feet you can relieve a headache. In the space between the big toe and second toe is a pressure point. Use your thumb to apply pressure to the top of this spot. Rub the area for one minute.

Tips & Warnings

When working with your pressure points, try to be in a relaxing space. If you are at work, take a few moments to be alone with yourself.

Try using essential oils while working on your pressure points. Chamomile,
and peppermint are known to soothe headaches. Dilute a few drops in a carrier oil, like almond or olive oil and massage into pressure points.

How to Find Pressure Points Behind the Ear

How to Find Pressure Points Behind the Ear

The acupressure points that are located behind the ear have influence along the gall bladder and triple warmer meridians. They can be a bit difficult to find if you don't know what you're looking for. However, with a little study and a good diagram, anyone can find them.


Place a finger directly behind the ear, just below the curve of the top of the outer ear. You will feel a ridge of bone on the skull. The pressure point is directly above this line, on the temporal bone. The points gall bladder 10 and triple warmer 19 are very close to one another. The triple warmer point is located directly on the mastoid bone, and the gall bladder point is in the temporal region just above the mastoid bone. The mastoid bone can be located by feeling for a bony protrusion just behind the ear. These pressure points help to relieve problems including anxiety, headache, hearing loss, tinnitus and neck tension.


Run your finger down behind the ear. Stop at a point just above the earlobe. The points GB 11 and TW 18 are here. GB 11 is located in the temporal region, and the TW 18 point is directly on the mastoid bone. Place gentle pressure on these points and feel for knots, or a sensation of tension release. These acupressure points help to relieve headache, deafness, tinnitus, pain in the ear and eye, and tension in the neck.


Consult a text like Gray's Anatomy if you encounter any difficulty in telling the temporal area apart from the mastoid bone. Excellent scans of the illustrations from Gray's Anatomy are available for free online viewing.


Consult a reference book on acupuncture or acupressure to get a clearer idea of the location of the pressure points. An excellent reference is "A Manual of Acupuncture" by Peter Deadman and Kevin Baker. Most books and charts on acupressure omit these particular points; however, you may wish to purchase one anyway, to find instructions on how to apply acupressure properly.

Tips & Warnings

Acupuncture and acupressure points are interchangeable.